Background Intelligent Transfer Service: This helped the system during downloads or uploads between remote server and system.ICT (Firewall): This provided firewall protection for incoming data packets, the same was not provided to outgoing packets.NAT APIs: This provided confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity by allowing traffic in the network to reach the destination when the public address was not available.Why use Windows XP – Features that matter READ ALSO: Download Equalizer APO Latest Version for PC. Though, only single-use can use the complete console at once. More than one user can use this as different sessions can be allocated to various users and switching can take place when required. The start menu changed to the two-column layout which displayed frequently and recently used apps. This is used to combine different separate images into a final composite image. Alpha Composting: in this, an image is combined with the background to produce full or partial transparency.This has been used for windows, menus, and even text labels for icons. Drop Shadows: this carries a drawing element that resembles an object’s shadow.Gradient Shading: to increase the depth of web pages and the usability of buttons.Clear Type: to improve the text on display screens.This was called GDI+, with these images looked clearer plus the visual enhancements were also attributed to effects and implementations like In this version it got replaced with a new one that was to be coded using C++. Normally it carries a Graphics Design Interface, which is an Application Programming Interface used to send graphical objects towards output devices. Windows XP SP3 Official ISO Image Full Version Free Download in 32-Bit/64-Bit.Windows XP Official ISO Image Honest Review.How to Install Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) ISO Image – Virtualbox or VMware.Why use Windows XP – Features that matter.